STRATEGY Annouce Their CWA Kick-off Meetings

STRATEGY H2020 Project invites the interested Stakeholders The European H2020 project STRATEGY (Facilitating EU pre-standardization process through streamlining and validating interoperability in systems and procedures involved in the crisis management cycle) seeks to promote pre-standardization of systems and procedures related to Crisis Management by streamlining, testing, and validating standards, guidelines, and recommendations, focusing on interoperability […]
The role of technology in crisis management: an asset or a liability?

Recently, there have been an important number of crises worldwide that are more complex than those faced in the past. Recent crises differ from the past in the sense that they are unprecedented and that they are unusually large, crossing countries’ borders. This means that crisis management involves the immediate and effective coordination of many […]
Celebrating 1 year of STRATEGY project

The STRATEGY project, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 innovation programme, aims to improve the interoperability of Crisis Management systems, tools & operational procedures. This article aims to summarize the main research results achieved during the first year. Standardisation items landscape __________________________________________________________________________ In the first months of the project, we conducted research with respect to the identification, categorization and prioritization […]
Response to the COVID-19 pandemic as a paradigm of crisis management

The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, can be observed in the perspective of a broad security context that is conceptually designated as Global Health Security. Its key purpose adheres to the International Health Regulations, a treaty under the international law that binds States to detect, notify and respond to public health emergencies of […]
Policing the Pandemic

The SARS-CoV-2 virus emerged in late 2019, causing the coronavirus pandemic responsible for the death of many people worldwide. Since March 11, 2020, when the World Health Organization (WHO) first officially declared COVID-19 a pandemic, the outbreak has posed a huge threat to public safety and peoples’ lives. The first COVID-19 case in Greece was […]
ISO/TC 292 Starts Drafting Guidelines For Hardened Protective Shelters

In August 2021, the standardization committee ISO/TC 292 “Security and resilience” confirmed that the founding of a new Working Group “Preparedness” (WG 10) had been approved in a committee internal ballot with strong support from the national standardization bodies. The meaning of the word “preparedness” explains well the purpose of the new Working Group: it […]
Spotlight on the STRATEGY use cases

STRATEGY will test and validate new and existing (pre-)standards in the crisis management domain. In the beginning of the project, the current standardisation landscape in crisis management was mapped, for which results of pertinent projects and initiatives were analysed. The mapping included end-user needs, existing standards as well as potential gaps and areas of improvement. […]
Action Plan on synergies between civil, defence and space industries

The civil, defence, and space sectors have the potential for synergies and cross-fertilisation between themselves and other civil sectors. They face many challenges and constraints, including the need for European standards and certification. The European Union has published the Communication “Action Plan on synergies between civil, defence and space industries” in February 2021, which defines […]
Why are TTXs important in the STRATEGY project?

What are Table-top Exercises (TTXs)? Table-top exercises (TTXs) are a systematic approach to simulate different scenarios, in order to test and evaluate plans. They are often used in the crisis management domain in order to simulate crisis situations in order to practice, test, train and evaluate response capabilities. The STRATEGY project uses TTXs to simulate […]
Why is interoperability important? A view from first responders

Crisis management can be defined as development of strategies to inform a response mechanism to deal with a sudden and significant negative event. Such crisis can occur as a result of an unpredictable event or result from unforeseeable consequence of various events, such as man-made threats (terrorist attacks), natural disasters (earthquake, tornado, tsunami), technological accidents […]