SATWAYS – Emergency Management – Rapid damage assessment of buildings and alerting protocol
This CWA has now been published. The document provides requirements and recommendations for a common set of information, datatypes and terms to be reported and provided by affected critical infrastructures to national or local coordination centres or control rooms of emergency services or competent authorities. Then coordination centres can share this information with other emergency […]
ATOS & KEMEA – Improvement of information processing in crisis management of critical infrastructures
Two draft CEN Workshop Agreements (CWAs) have been developed by CEN/WS IPCI ‘Improvement of information processing in crisis management of critical infrastructures for computer assisted data gathering, display and reporting’ are now open for public commenting. CWA 1 of CEN/WS IPCI provides a formal definition of the concepts to be reported during a crisis. This […]
SATWAYS – Collaborative emergency response – Common addressing format and emergency identification protocol: Available for Public Review and Commenting
The CEN Workshop ‘Collaborative emergency response – Common addressing format and emergency identification protocol’ was kicked off on 18 February 2022. The Workshop’s registered participants have agreed on the final draft of the CWA. A public commenting is organised for a period of 30 days, closing on 11 June 2023. Comments can be submitted to the […]
SATWAYS – Management of forest fire incidents – SITAC-based symbology: Available for Public Review and Commenting
The CEN Workshop ‘Management of forest fire incidents – SITAC-based symbology’ was kicked off on 16 February 2022. The Workshop’s registered participants have agreed on the final draft of the CWA. A public commenting is organised for a period of 30 days, closing on 11 June 2023. Comments can be submitted to the Workshop Secretariat Ms […]
SATWAYS – Structuring an emergency response plan for crisis management stakeholders: Available for Public Review and Commenting
The CEN Workshop ‘Structuring an emergency response plan for crisis management stakeholders’ was kicked off on 27 January 2022. The Workshop’s registered participants have agreed on the final draft of the CWA. A public commenting is organised for a period of 30 days, closing on 11 June 2023. Comments can be submitted to the Workshop Secretariat […]
Fraunhofer INT – International and interinstitutional crisis and disaster management: Available for Public Review and Commenting
The objective of this CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) is enabling a respondent to a crisis to exchange information across jurisdictions, organisations and borders to other responders, while maintain full control of the information and while using their own terminology and symbology. Mapping icons and terminologies allows actors that use different icons and terminology to ‘translate’ […]
KEMEA – Evaluation of exercises – Implementation Guidelines: Available for Public Review and Commenting
This CEN Workshop (CWA) aims to cover standardisation gaps of the evaluation phase and lessons learnt documentation of an exercise of crisis management. ISO 22398 includes general requirements of the planning, execution and evaluation of an exercise, without particularly providing guidance on the implementation of the evaluation by different participants, as well as on the […]
ICCS – Specifications for Digital Scenarios for Crisis Management Exercises: Available for Public Review and Commenting
This CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) aims to cover limitations in existing practices related with the design and planning of Search and Rescue exercises. The CWA will specify a digital process for the planning of Search and Rescue exercises and provide recommendations on the type of digital information exchanged for Search and Rescue scenarios, the use […]
ICCS – Requirements for Acquiring Digital Information from Victims During Search and Rescue Operations: Available for Public Review and Commenting
This CEN Workshop is under development and specifies the requirements for acquiring digital information from victims during search and rescue (SAR) operations. Furthermore, it establishes requirements of digital triaging during a search and rescue mission regarding the categories of safety, usability, data protection, security and system compatibility. The CWA is under development and intended to […]
STRATEGY Announces Additional CEN Workshops as Part of EU Pre-Standardisation Efforts
STRATEGY H2020 Project invites the interested Stakeholders The European H2020 project STRATEGY (Facilitating EU pre-standardisation process through streamlining and validating interoperability in systems and procedures involved in the crisis management cycle) seeks to promote pre-standardisation of systems and procedures related to Crisis Management by streamlining, testing and validating standards, guidelines and recommendations; focusing on interoperability […]