Effective communication is paramount in crisis and disaster management, as it ensures coordinated response efforts, aids in the distribution of essential information, and safeguards the well-being of affected communities. With the advent of inclusive technology, our approach to crisis communication has undergone a transformative shift, allowing for more comprehensive and accessible communication strategies.

In crisis situations, communication strategies must be dynamic and adaptable to the specific needs of the local community and the type of crisis at hand. Researchers have emphasized the importance of implementing practical and effective crisis communication strategies that consider the diverse backgrounds and abilities of individuals affected by the crisis [1]. By tailoring communication to accommodate the unique requirements of the community, inclusive technology helps ensure that critical information reaches everyone, regardless of their limitations or language barriers.

Attention to inclusive technology has been posed by STRATEGY project in the development of the CWA about “Requirements and recommendations for social media early warning messages in crisis and disaster management” where a specific section addresses accessibility of social media messages.

In this blog post, we will explore the significance of inclusive technology in crisis communication and how it can change crisis and disaster management practices for the better.


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  1. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs): enhancing interoperability and coordination

ICTs play a vital role in facilitating seamless coordination among various entities involved in crisis management. These technologies enable real-time communication between all key actors, enhancing interoperability among authorities and organizations, resulting in more efficient emergency response efforts. To achieve a truly inclusive crisis management approach, it is essential to develop and integrate inclusive technology. By doing so, we ensure that all instruments, processes, and communications are accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. Embracing inclusive technology promotes an all-encompassing crisis management strategy, leaving no one behind in times of need.


  1. Social media and online communication: a powerful tool for rapid communication

Among ICTs technologies used for communication in crisis and disaster management social media platforms have emerged as invaluable tools. They serve multiple functions, from disseminating vital information to disaster planning and collaborative problem-solving [2]. Social media allows for rapid and widespread communication during crises, reaching a large audience quickly. To maximize the effectiveness of social media during emergencies, organizations need to have a well-thought-out crisis communication strategy in place before disaster strikes.

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In crisis management, utilizing social media for communication is undoubtedly valuable. However, it is of utmost importance to ensure that the information disseminated on these platforms is accessible to every member of the community. Various impairments and the digital divide can exacerbate existing disparities, making inclusivity a vital consideration. Therefore, when employing social media for crisis communication, it becomes essential to prepare messages in accordance with accessibility standards and best practices. This approach guarantees that social media communication remains inclusive and reaches all individuals, regardless of their unique needs or circumstances.

First and foremost, clarity and conciseness are key elements in crafting messages that resonate with a diverse audience. Avoiding technical jargon and focusing on essential information while providing timely updates can significantly enhance engagement and understanding. Visual aids, such as pictures, graphics, and illustrations, play a crucial role in conveying information, especially to vulnerable populations. These visuals can boost comprehension and engagement, but it is imperative to incorporate accessibility best practices. This involves for example, providing descriptive captions and alternative text for images, enabling individuals with vision impairments who rely on assistive technology like screen readers or text-to-speech programs to access digital content seamlessly. Inclusive communication also entails acknowledging the digital divide and the fact that certain vulnerable groups may lack access to technology, digital skills, or internet connectivity. To bridge this gap, adopting a multi-channel approach becomes essential. By making alternative communication methods available, such as radio, TV, and sirens, everyone can access vital information during crises, ensuring that no one is left uninformed [3].

  1. Conclusion

In conclusion, inclusive technology plays a critical role in crisis and disaster management communication. By adopting accessible communication strategies, harnessing the potential of ICTs, and leveraging the power of social media, authorities and organizations can ensure a more inclusive and efficient response to crises. Strengthening the effectiveness of communication through inclusivity and accessibility to all citizens, coupled with proactive citizens awareness, paves the way for informed and prepared communities even before a crisis emerges. Ultimately, the integration of inclusive technology in crisis communication empowers communities, saves lives, and fosters resilience in the face of adversity.

Written by Andrea Capaccioli and Alessia Golfetti, Deep Blue


[1] Haupt, B. (2021). The Use of Crisis Communication Strategies in Emergency Management. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 18(2), 125-150. https://doi.org/10.1515/jhsem-2020-0039

[2] Chan, J. C. (s.d.). The Role of Social Media in Crisis Preparedness, Response and Recovery. https://www.oecd.org/governance/risk/The%20role%20of%20Social%20media%20in%20crisis%20preparedness%2C%20response%20and%20recovery.pdf

[3] Wang, Y., Hao, H., & Kang S. (2023). Disaster Risk Communication and Digital Vulnerability Among Subsidized Housing Residents. Natural Hazards Center Mitigation Matters Grant Report Series, 12. Boulder, CO: Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder. https://hazards.colorado.edu/mitigation-


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