STRATEGY H2020 Project invites the interested Stakeholders

The European H2020 project STRATEGY (Facilitating EU pre-standardization process through streamlining and validating interoperability in systems and procedures involved in the crisis management cycle) seeks to promote pre-standardization of systems and procedures related to Crisis Management by streamlining, testing, and validating standards, guidelines, and recommendations, focusing on interoperability aspects according to the operational needs of practitioners. Please take note of the following opportunity to be part of this ongoing pre-standardization effort in the EU.

Invitation to Interested Stakeholders

The STRATEGY project invites all interested stakeholders to attend the upcoming kick-off meetings of the specific CEN/CENELEC workshops to contribute to the drafting of the CEN workshop Agreements (CWA) listed below.

This process will offer a unique collaboration opportunity for interested parties to engage in a constructive dialogue with crisis management experts, standardization bodies, industry and research representatives, technology providers, first responders, and end-users.

All interested stakeholders are kindly invited to declare their willingness to participate in one or several of the aforementioned workshops using the respective registration form and to visit the dedicated project web page, as well as the CEN News page, which will be continuously updated with announcements of additional workshops.

Please feel free to forward this invitation to additional stakeholders that may also be interested.

A few words about the STRATEGY project

The STRATEGY project aims to build and implement a pan-European pre-standardization framework and to map, test, and validate new and existing standards across eight thematic streams in crisis management:


The ultimate project goal is to strengthen the resilience of the EU against all types of natural & man-made disasters (multi-hazard approach), by ensuring first responders’ safety and empowering their operational capacity through standardisation that may support next-generation solutions and procedures, ensuring an effective and efficient collaborative response to crises.


Promoting EU-Wide Standards & Policy

STRATEGY will support policymakers and relevant authorities in their efforts to improve the management of cross-border crises by increasing the harmonisation of disaster management systems, tools, and procedures. To achieve this, STRATEGY will address standardization aspects of the above eight thematic streams through drafting a total of eleven CEN Workshop Agreements (CWAs) in properly planned CEN-CENELEC Workshops and two new CEN Technical Specifications (TS) in cooperation with the relevant CEN Technical Committee.

For any further information regarding the above, please contact the STRATEGY project coordinator at .


Get involved! 

For more information visit the STRATEGY website, join this LinkedIn group on STRATEGY 

or follow us on Twitter. 

Coordination:                     Project Partners 
Satways Ltd. 


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